​Childrens Castle Child Devolpment Center
​Childrens Castle Child Devolpment Center

Welcome Back To The Castle!
We are delighted to start the new school year of 2023-2024! We have so much in store for your child this year at Children's Castle! At the Castle, we create a safe and fun space for your child to learn, create, and imagine. Thank you for trusting Children's Castle with your most precious jewel. We will make a difference!

To Childrens Castle Child Development Center, LLC. We are a Christian daycare licensed by the state of Maryland. Our program is exceptional, well rounded, is designed and essential for all children. Entrust your children to us and we will make a difference.
Our Philosophy, Vision and Goals
Our Philosophy, Vision and Goals
What We Believe!
We believe that "children are God's gift to the human family. They are created in His image and endowed with power to think, to learn and to choose."
We also believe that "true education is the harmonious development of the whole being." As a result, we integrate spiritual, cognitive, physical and social development in the learning environment of our children.
Our diverse curriculum recognizes each child as gifted, talented, unique and special, therefore, we incorporate many learning styles to provide all children with the opportunity to play, explore and learn. Learning is optimal for children of all ethnicity.
Our vision is to provide holistic growth and development with an emphasis on excellence.
Our Goal is to :
1. Provide a clean and safe learning environment for children;
2. Supplement the role of working parents;
3. Equip each child with independent life skills, and
4. Stimulate positive growth, creative learning and a thirst for academic excellence.
With nurturing love and guidance, our children become successful, positive and productive contributors to society.

What We Value
What We Value
Our values are:
Excellence in all areas of development;
Service to the community and
Living by wholesome principles and values.
The Castle Mot​to
The Castle Mot​to
"Today, young minds in motion growing and learning. Tomorrow our leaders, making a difference."
Affirmation Quote
Affirmation Quote
"Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for his children. Godliness, Godlikeness is the goal to be reached. Before the student there is opened a path of continual progress. I have an object to achieve a standard to attain that is includes every good and pure and noble. I will advance as far as possible in every branch of true knowledge"
The Castle Scripture
The Castle Scripture
"I can do all things throu​gh Christ who gives me strength".

Come join us! We'd love to have you at our school!
Please call us for more info
Please call us for more info